Tuesday 6 November 2012

Famous Raub Curry

I know I've said many times that I prefer to cook any dish up from scratch, but there are some dishes that I would prefer the shortcut way!

Why not? When you know you would get it tasting right most times and the bonus is, it saves your time!

One such item on my menu would be Fish Curry from a ready-mix curry paste, claimed to be the "Famous Raub Curry".

Of the various brands I've sampled, this one is my family's favourite. And on top of that, I like it too!

Never mind that it says Fish Head Curry Paste, if you don't have any, just use fish fillet.

When I first tried it out, I followed the cooking instructions given on the package.  But it is just a guide (and not a rule!) and now, I deviate a little and do it my way!

Cooking guide at back of package.

Before I add in the paste to the earthern pot (I think curry tastes better cooked in such pots), I saute finely sliced shallots, halved garlic, sliced ginger and whole curry leaves in a little oil till fragrant.

Then I add in the curry paste mix, straight from the package... stir a little, before adding in some water (the family likes the curry thicker, so I put in less water than instructed).

This is how the paste looks like in the pot before water is added.

Once it starts to boil, I add in sliced tomatoes and when it starts to boil again, I add in some evaporated milk (if santan/coconut milk is not available).

Before (whole) After (sliced)

Into the pot then goes the sliced brinjals (for curries, the best to use is the round kind; they hold their shape longer).

Today, I managed to buy some drumsticks from the market and so I'm adding this in too (this is not mentioned in the cooking instructions of the curry paste package).

(Above): Drumstick Tree in Mum-In-Law's garden.
(Not fruiting yet!)
(Below): Drumsticks or Buah Kelor
 As I said, I am not following the instructions per se, so instead of using fish only, I am adding in prawns as well.  You can also add in some squid, if you like.

After a few minutes of boiling with the lid closed, I add in the fish. (Today, I used Ikan Tenggiri - the head and tail portions. I bought a whole fish and have kept the mid-section of the fish for another recipe.)

After a few minutes, in goes the prawns and finally, just before all is thoroughly cooked, the lady fingers are added.

Serve this with steamed rice or bread! It goes very well with roti canai too!

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