Tuesday 27 November 2012

Steamed pork with (cincalok)

I had almost forgotten about this particular dish which my mother used to cook for us, until my sister mentioned it some years back.

Steamed and ready to serve!
Pork slices, sliced shallots & red chillies
mixed with enough paste.
Let it marinade until the steamer starts boiling.
Steam until cooked; Do not stir.

Mum used to call the paste "harm har" - this I remembered! - My sister and I went around looking for it.  The one that we found most nearest to the taste (remembered) is from Lee Kum Kee... Fine Shrimp Sauce.

However, I found this paste to be rather salty and thus, only very little is used for the dish.

I have not tried cooking this with Cincalok - sold in bottles and the fine shrimps mixture is pinkish in colour. Maybe I will one of these days, to see if it tastes the same!

Recently, my sister managed to find homemade "harm har" and bought some.

This is homemade and you can see the little shrimps,
like Cincalok.
But the colour (slightly purplish) is similar to that of
LKK Fine Shrimp Sauce,
which is more a finely ground paste.

It was not as salty as the commercial one and so I had to use more.  However, with less salt, the taste of the fine shrimps was more pronounced.

An easy dish to make for dinner, especially on a working day!

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