Friday 16 November 2012

Pork Vindaloo

The butcher at the pork stall I patronise always greets customers with a cheerful smile and a "Good Morning"! Most of his regulars do not mind standing in a queue because they know that when it is their turn, 100% service will be theirs!

Also, conversing in local dialect to select the various cuts of meat is definitely out of my depth, so it is a good thing he speaks good English as well! Phew!

The recipe for this Pork Vindaloo is really simple; Again another recipe from my mom-in-law....  Never mind the more complicated ones given in cookbooks, the thing is, although the ingredients are so "simple", it tastes really good! I remember the first time I tried it... I could not stop eating it!

You can eat it "straight" (with a glass of cold beer!), eat it with steamed rice, bread or "apom". Simply delicious!

Pork Vindaloo, ready to serve.
Ingredients for the marinade: Mustard seeds, Garlic, Ginger (all pounded separately), Turmeric powder, Chili powder

Pork (use half-fat meat) cut into cubes, mixed with ingredients above. Salt and white vinegar to be added during cooking.  Simmer till meat is tender.
Homemade Apom (made from rice flour, toddy, coconut milk, salt and sugar to taste); Excellent served with Pork Vindaloo.

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