Saturday 27 October 2012

Mixed meat dumplings with spinach in clear broth

I keep stuff in my refrigerator for those days when there are not enough of us around to cook up a feast for; or for days when we just do not feel like eating so much.

Sometimes you just don't have the time to cook; yet the idea of eating out or a take-away does not appeal. Let's face it, even the most hardworking of us, do get plain lazy once in a while!

I just had to get some spinach, mushrooms and dumpling skins from the market for what I was going to prepare for dinner.

There were already minced chicken, minced pork and shelled prawns in the freezer. Just had to finely chop up an onion and a few sprigs of coriander and spring onions to add to the minced meat; season with pepper, soy sauce and abalone sauce; mix together.

Put some of the mix onto a dumpling skin and foldover; keep in the refrigerator until time to use.

If you don't fancy it in a soup, you could always fry it and it would taste delicious too!

The soup stock can be made in advance and kept in the refrigerator. Since I was adding spinach to the soup, I made ikan bilis stock with garlic (my family loves garlic and pepper!) and added some of the chicken stock which I had (in the fridge!).

No need to do anything else until it is time to eat!

Since we did not have the time to sit down and eat together today, this dish was just ideal! You still get to have your broth piping hot!

Just dish out enough soup into a smaller pot to boil.  Add the vegetables and when it is boiling, put in a few pieces of the dumplings, let it boil for a few minutes and it is ready to serve!

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