Sunday 14 October 2012

Mum's Prawn Curry

Prawns or shrimps, I just love them! Served in a cocktail, sauteed, steamed or fried... No wonder I have a slightly elevated cholesterol level!

This time around, I decided to make a prawn curry ala Mum's style. Mum in this case, is my mother-in-law who makes "killer" curries and other dishes which you are not able to find, when eating out.

Most of them are "hand me down" recipes, so I am indeed very blessed to be able to learn from her.

There are two things that I don't prefer in a curry. 

(1) I don't like it wet/soupy.
(2) I don't like it with lots of coconut milk/santan.

As this recipe calls for a dry-style curry and no santan used, it is just the right kind.

Spices include dried chili, black pepper, mustard seeds, coriander, cumin, grated coconut (kerisik), garlic, ginger and turmeric (not shown in photo)... all blended into a paste.

Other ingredients are: onions, garlic, ginger, curry leaves and a little tamarind water.

A favourite with Mum's children in this prawn curry is the addition of drumsticks (Kelor in Malay, the fruit of the legume tree Moringa oleifera originating from India).  Since I can't find any available, I used potatoes instead.

Voila! The end result is a fragrant dry-style Prawn Curry. 

Not to get flavours mixed up, we usually just have this one dish with hot steaming rice (and sometimes with a side vegetable dish).

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